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Persistance Without Event Sourcing

While workflows4s was designed to work through event-sourcing, where each change to the workflow is persisted through a dedicated event, it's possible to run it in slightly different, possibly simpler, ways.

Append-only state persistance

If you want to persist your state directly, and you're fine with doing it through append-only storage, it should work just fine with existing workflows4s mechanisms.

object Context extends WorkflowContext {
override type State = MyState
override type Event = MyState

This should work but has not been battle-tested yet.

Updatable state persistance

If you want to persist your state directly, and you apply your changes to the database directly (like in a standard CRUD-based applications), it's theoretically possible to make it work if a checkpoint follows up every persistent action.

At the moment, checkpoints are not yet available, although they are on the short-term roadmap.